Basic parameters
Magnification – Day Channel
– Night Channel
5x – 0,25x
4,2x – 0,2x
Field of view – Day Channel
– Night Channel
min. 9° 30´
min. 7° 45´
Ocular setup min. -4D up to +4D
Limiting resolution in the middle of FOV for day channel max. 12´´
Night channel resolution in the imagine intensifier tube
plane at optimal brightness of the bright test bars
min. 30 lines/mm
Type of image intensifier tube FOM min. 1500
Power supply by direct voltage 26 ±4V
The temperature range for operation – 35°C ± 3°C up to +50°C ± 3°C
Detection at level of illumination 50 mlx * 4100 m
Reconnaissance at level of illumination 50 mlx * 2200 m
Identification at level of illumination 50 mlx * 1200 m
Detection at level of illumination 5 mlx * 3600 m
Reconnaissance at level of illumination 5 mlx * 1700 m
Identification at level of illumination 5 mlx * 1000 m
* According to STANAG 4348 were determined device parameters of the Night Channel for the target of type VEHICLE under the following conditions of observation: target type VEHICLE with dimensions of 2,5 x 2,5 m; contrast of the target against a background 0,5 and meteorological visibility 16 km.