Basic parameters |
PAB-2A M64 | |
Magnification | 8x±0,4x | |
Field of view | 0-83° | |
Diameter of input pupil | 22 mm | |
Diameter of output pupil | 2,8 mm | |
Distance of output pupil | 12,5 mm | |
Periscopicity | 350 mm | |
Range of measured angles | horizontal vertical |
64-00 dc (360°) -4-00÷+7-00 (-22,5°÷+39,375°) |
The temperature range for operation | – 35°C ± 3°C up to +50°C ± 3°C | |
Definition without periscope | max. 8’’ | |
Definition with periscope | max. 10’’ | |
Parallax of the center of the reticle | max. 0,25 D | |
Parallax with mounted periscope | max. 0,5 D | |
Setting up of dioptres zero on the ocular | ±0,5 D |
The artillery compass PAB-2A M64 is a basic artillery device and battery compartment, designed for orientation guns and sight equipments to the main direction (north-kilometer network) for positioning goals (landmarks) and the topographic connections military deployment. In addition, it can be used for observation when hiding during shooting and for study of terrain and targets.
Modification results in a more precise distribution of horizontal and vertical scale from the original 60-00 dc to 64-00 dc (NATO and USA standard). The original telemeter is replaced by new one with a modified horizontal and vertical axis.

New power supply units for illuminator
Illuminator is equiped by LED diodes and with red filter for better camouflage in the night.
The new power supply units of illuminator replace the original power supply unit NK-13 or 2NKN-10th. The units are powered with 1 x 3V alkaline battery, 123A for each unit. This provides quick and easy replacement during discharging power supply. New set of illuminatiors reduce the totall weight of set PAB-2A M64.

Modificated telemeter of azimuthal adapter ANB-1
Azimuthal adapter ANB-1 for artillery compass PAB-2A is used for determining the actual azimuth using stars alpha and beta. First, you need to find these stars in the sky.
Original telemeter scale valid until year 2000, is replaced by a new one, which is valid until year 2050.